Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's the Little Things

Had a moment yesterday when I thought to myself, "yep, that person is soooo not a geek."

One of my colleagues commented on how he was so psyched for the new season of Game of Thrones. Specifically, he uttered, "I can't wait for all the dragons!" my impulse reply was, "aren't we all...."

This utterance inevitably lead to a conversation during which it became clear this person hadn't read series by George RR Martin and had no clue how frustrating both the HBO series and books were.

So, being the geek I am, I set out to educate (recognize!). I told him the series was good for what it was, but the books were much better. I then went on to tell him how his hope for many scenes with dragons would go unanswered as the second book (well, all really) doesn't talk dragons much. I then explained how his hope for more dragons was echoed by every Game of Thrones reader in the world, and how so far, we've been left wanting. Also, btb Game of Thrones was the FIRST's not the series title...that would be A Song of Ice and Fire.

Then he threw me the softballs of all softballs, "well, I've been waiting FOREVER for the next season to start!" oh have you? Have you really? Punkin, I've been reading this series since 1996 and THERE ARE STILL TWO MORE BOOKS TO GO! But I frustration isn't with this colleague... it's with George RR Martin, himself.

Enter, Paul and Storm. They have put to music the anguish of every reader out there:

I had the great privilege to see this performed live on JCCC2, but my fellow seamonkeys haven't posted this video yet, you get the one from w00tstock.

My one request: George, please don't die before you finish the final books. Please? And maybe, write a bit faster?? Just sayin....

I also leave you with the Game of Thrones Season 2 trailer:

Did anyone else notice Daenerys' long, flowing locks? Wasn't her hair burned off when she walked into the funeral fire of her beloved Khal Drogo and awoke/hatched the dragons? Like I said, it's the little things.....

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