Tuesday, October 9, 2012


As most of you saw on my FB wall, Paul talked me into playing Magic.  Now, most times I don't give in to certain things Paul says I'll like.  I don't play Warhammer or D&D, though in concept, I think I will like them.  I don't play these games as, usually, I have a short attention span.  I can only focus on things I find fun, but don't have too much invested in, for about an hour...two at the max.  So these games are just a bit too much for me.  I'll play Arkham Horror and I've even given World of Warcraft a try.  These, I can handle.   The main reason I decided to try to play Magic is not only because Paul likes the game, but because my niece and nephew do too.  If I can spend time with them, I'm all for it.  So, I gave it a shot.

Paul got me the Avacyn Restored deck, which is pictured below.  It's a green and white deck and has some pretty awesome angels in it.  

Now, not knowing what the heck was going on, I sorted and read through the deck.  Symbols and words and all these +1s did NOT make any sense to me.  I started to have this feeling that I wouldn't like the game cause I couldn't understand it.  Boy, was I wrong!  

Paul sat down with my last night and we played an open hand game.  I wasn't used to resetting characters each hand so in my head I kept trying to total up the damage done and then tried to convince Paul I had beaten three of his creatures.  Thankfully, he's patient with me and explained again and again that I had to do it in one shot, not over a few different hands.  I also kept forgetting the whole summoning sickness thing and obviously I didn't have haste (see i'm learning the lingo), so I kept attacking with a creature that just entered the battlefield and then have to pull them back and deal with being embarrassed that I couldn't remember the rules. 

I didn't believe Paul before, but there is definitely some strategy involved.  In the end, I think I caught on rather quickly as I beat Paul. Yeay for Rita! It's something I'd play again as I actually enjoyed myself.  

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