Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Coffee Dilemma

I quit drinking coffee around February of this year.  I stopped drinking coffee mainly because I was trying to save the money I spent on it every day.  I also hated the jittery feelings I got if I didn't eat enough when I drank it.  Add jittery to anxious and stressed and you don't have a pleasant Rita.

A lot of people thought I was nuts to do this smack in the middle of busy season and even my boss had to nerve to say "You aren't pregnant are you?" Umm no, I wasn't pregnant, I just wanted to do something good for my body.  I can tell you, I felt like a different person after I stopped drinking coffee.

I was able to get out a bed faster and get started on work with a clear head earlier in the day.  I wasn't grouchy, didn't get withdrawal headaches, or have the jitters.  I even started running during the week again.  It was the boost my body needed.

 All in all, it worked out really well.  That is, until the rainy weather started to hang over MA in late September and early October.  I started to drag.  I missed the sun.  I started having a hard time getting out of bed again.  I was dragging in the pre-dawn and when the sun wasn't shining.  I couldn't get started at work.  It was then that I realized I am really affected by sunlight and I use coffee to compensate for the natural boost I'm missing.  

So what to do.....

Well, thankfully the National Sleep Foundation partnered with Phillips and created the Wake-Up Light.

Starting half an hour before your set wake up time, the Wake-up Light gradually fills your room with bright light like a rising sun emitting natural light. The light gently prepares your body for waking up while you are still asleep. So, if the wake up time is set at 7 am, the light will gradually get stronger starting at 6:30. At 7 am the light will have reached its highest level, which you can then adjust to your personal preference.

I'm getting one.....I think it might help... ALOT.  I'm sure I'll be drinking coffee from now until February,  but at least I can get out of bed without being a zombie.....Then I can go and kick the coffee habit again!

1 comment:

  1. omg that light sounds so cool! what a great idea. if i ever get to go go 'back to work' again and have to leave my house I might need to invest of one of those. it's so true how hard it is to get up in the dark in the morning, it's awful.

    i commend you for giving up coffee, i don't know if i could do it. its true that it is such a drug and i'm so dependent on my one cup of coffee in the morning, i just don't think i could give it up unless i absolutely had to and even then it would be pretty tough i'm sure!

    ... i'm going to look that light up now! LOL
