Saturday, March 24, 2012

A First

I think the movie was better than the book.

Wait, what!?

Yeah. Hunger Games, the movie, was better than Hunger Games, the book. Here's why.

If you've read the book (books is more likely) you know Katniss has had it rough. Her family lives in the Seam, her father died when she was young, her mother had a mental break and checked out for a bit, and oh, right....she volunteered for the hunger games to save Prim. Now, don't get me wrong, hard times and difficulties build a character, but do they have to make her whiny and unaware? No. No, they don't.

Here's my gripe with Katniss: I get it you don't trust people, you've been burned many times, blah, blah. Is it so difficult to think of the repercussions your actions have, though? You clearly are not a dumb person/character, Katniss. Put the pieces together! You're actions have repercussions! Don't you see? You're a cog in a treasonous machine, you're purpose on this planet has changed entirely. You're no longer the girl who supports your family in the Seam, you're the 'girl on fire' who incites riots!

The movie Katniss, gets this. She's not oblivious. She knew what she was doing when she put flowers on Rue, when she gave the signal. She sure as hell knew what pressing the game makers with the nightlock would do. Katniss Everdeen in the movie is the worthy figurehead of the rebellion and I hope it stays that way.

The other reason I like the movie so much more than the book is because we get to see other perspectives.  We get to see how awkward Gale feels when he sees Katniss kiss Peeta in the arena.  There's obviously more than friendship therefor him.  The game makers are just as I pictured them in my imagination and it was great to see them on screen manipulating the arena.  The best had to be seeing the interaction with President Snow and Seneca Crane regarding the 'underdog'. Its clear, there is no hope in the games, there is now chance for an underdog to's just another way the Capitol owns your ass.

Here's my advice: read the books by Suzanne Collins and then go see the movie. The you get to decide.  Maybe you'll think I'm completely off my rocker; maybe not. 

1 comment:

  1. Oooo I like your post! I am going to see the movie tonight so this is making me even more excited. I can't wait to see how the movie Katniss is different, I like the sound of her already much better than the book!
