Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hear one side and you will be in the dark. Hear both and all will be clear.

It occurred to me this week, after having *quite* the trying day on Monday, that I needed to talk to someone. To find resolve on some issues. To air MY grievances, rather than have someone air their grievances at me. Simply, I wanted.....NEEDED to be heard.

As it turns out, actually having a conversation isn't as simple as the one you've scripted in your head. There are channels to go through, people who volunteer to facilitate only to relate half a story (and usually the unimportant part), and ultimately your intended audience won't "hear" what you have to say. So where does this lead you?

Often times, you are much more frustrated at the end of the conversation than when you started. You might even feel stupid for not being able to make the other person understand how you feel. But really, does it matter?

The reason I ask is because, ultimately, you should feel better for speaking up....for finding your voice. Just because they don't understand doesn't mean you're not being clear...sometimes people are just dense; they've got their own agenda and their sticking to it. It's THEIR problem for not listening; they're the ones missing out.

It's taken many a ridiculous, emotionally draining conversation for me to realize this. My solution: keep my voice, keep it strong, and don't shut up because others aren't listening. Someday, they WILL listen and the will be kicking themselves in the ass 'cause they're gonna be blown away with what I have to say.

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