Saturday, March 10, 2012

This is for Cait...

I'm not sure how many of you know this, but my sister-in-law Cait joined the US Coat Guard. She left for bootcamp just as we were coming home from vacation. We unfortunately also missed her going away party as we were leaving for vacation. I miss her very much.

Words cannot express how incredibly proud I am of her. I was a bit taken aback when she first announced her decision, but I see now it's the right choice. She has a purpose, she has goals, and she gets to see the world.

I've already written her a few cards, tried to tell her what's going on back in MA, but what I really want to know is how she's doing. What is she going through in Cape May? What is the training like? Does she like her fellow recruits?

I'll patiently wait until she can write back. I just hope she knows how proud I am of her and how much I love her.
Semper Paratus, Cait.

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