Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I AM a soul and I HAVE a body

The prolific writer C. S. Lewis one wrote "You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." I saw this quoted on a pendant on Etsy the other day and it stuck with me. I rolled it around in my head for a few days and after a drink with a friend during which he said "you're quiet, this isn't like you" I finally gave it some serious thought.

Here's what I came up with. My soul isn't happy. Neither is my body, if I'm being completely honest. It isn't because I'm unhappy, per se; it's because I'm not nurturing and enriching my soul. I'm not doing what I love on a daily basis. I honestly don't have the time. That's pathetic and I realize that.

I thrive on being around people. I thrive on making other people happy, by having a good time, sharing stories, eating, walking on the beach, giving hugs, petting dogs, laughing. I listen. I talk. I run. I eat. I lay in the sun. But right now, I'm not doing any of that.

That's got to change.

I've got to make my soul happy again.

So what to do? I've started calling friends more often. Making plans for dinner and drinks. I've gotten outside and have started running again. My life on this earth is too short to let a day pass me by. 

What makes your soul happy?

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