Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Songs....and the people/places they bring to mind

I'm sure you've experienced this before: a certain song comes on the radio or your ipod and you're immediately think of another time and place and maybe the person/people you were with.  It happens to me almost daily.  I find it's akin to taking down a photo album and thumbing through the pages.  Apparently I am not alone is this as scientists (Schulkind, Hennis, and Rubin) did a series of experiments in 1999 and ddocumented experiences from both college students and older adults.  What the found was that a song would evoke a general recollection - a memory for a life period such as high school, or college, or dating that certain someone from long ago. Other times, songs brought to mind specific recollections of particular events. They've termed this recollection Music-Evoked Nostalgia. 

For me, this just doesn't occur with music; it happens with books as well.  Every time I pick up the first three Harry Potter books, I'm transported back to my trip to Australia the summer after high school.  I remember the sun shining through the window of the tour bus onto the pages of my book as we passed through the outback.  I remember identifying so strongly to Harry's want for an actual family when I was homesick and just wanted to be home.

I don't think it's odd for me to experience any of this given that I've got a ridiculous incidental memory.

Here are some songs that bring to mind certain people and events.  If they apply to you, you should already know. 

Sweet baby James
The First Cut is the Deepest
I'm walking Away
Come What May
Wonderful Tonight
Starry Night
Tupelo Honey
I've got Friends in Low Places

Youth of A Nation - listened to this when I pulled my PR 2k with Amanda
Toxic - heard this every day on the bus to and from rowing in Clemson
Carolina in my Mind - always listened to this leading up to spring break
Give it to her - Our getting ready to go out song, Junior year
Chop Suey - CRASH B prep
Birdhouse in your Soul - Beaches in RI

1 comment:

  1. Haha, "I'm a thug" always makes me think of you, as do a million other songs. "Diamonds are a girl's best friend," we're at Cheryl's wedding making fools out of ourselves every time i hear it!
